Monday, October 31, 2011

Fire Over Wind


“Agent Cruise, the victim is an old woman around 80 or more years old. The motive according to initial reports is robbery but I doubt that’s all there is in there. Go and conduct your own investigation. Keep me informed.”
“I’ll try to get sweaty, Chief.”
“You’ve had enough good sweats with that lady agent of yours already.”
“Who do you mean? Agent Raznilaj?”
“Who else got both fangs and a good ass that makes these guys here slobbers and would jump on any chance to get into her pants.” Chief winked at the young agent like a father who would tease his son.
“Hmmm, I’d like to see how much I would slobber then.” Tommy stood up and head out to get sweaty.
 The chief smiled and sip his black coffee.

            The coroner’s report showed that the victim was shot with a .45 in the chest. The place was wildly tossed and thoroughly searched looking obviously for something. Drawers were drawn, cushions were ripped open, some walls were knocked down and furnitures were broken and scattered all around.
            This is not a simple robbery. It’s a planned crime where the old woman’s caregiver is out to get some groceries and left the victim all alone. Something is up and that thing is going to rattle his head to figure out the WWWH.
            “I know the old woman.”
            “What?” Tommy was surprised to hear someone behind his shoulders while he was checking some reports about the incident.
            “She’s a friend’s grandmother. He’s coming down to the funeral. I’d like to personally get into this case also, Agent Cruise.”
            “Because he’s your friend?”
            “Because I want to see justice rolls to the guilty.”
            “Hm. Is that all, Agent Raznilaj?”
            “No. That is not simply all.”

            A pause thickened the air between them. Both is measuring each other’s taste of sarcasm like a raging fire ready to smite a windy bag in the form of a fine chic with great air for acerbities.
            “I’d like to see how much balls you’ve got in action than what I see of you right now.” She smiled and continued down to the Chief’s office.
            Tommy abashedly stood obviously bitten by some windy bag. Fire ignites his steely nerves and all he can do is clenched his teeth.
            His desk phone rang.
            “Bring her along, Tommy.” The chief said.
            “Boy, you heard me, right? What is your what for?”
            “But Chief…”
            “Save your buts, now both of you go out there and bring back some good leads. Or, you don’t like to see yourself slobbering around her too.” Chief hanged up with a noticeable smirk on his face for pestering his young agent with some uncomfortable fun.
            Before Tommy get to digest it all, he knew he was put into something where his Chief can make fun of him. He shook his head and saw windy bag coming to his desk.
            “Well, what?”
            “You know? I don’t think you’re stupid. Now, I do.” She gave her sweetest smile at him and heads out the door outside.
            Tommy got blown again two times in a row. He grabbed his jacket and head out after her. All his fire settled deep in his guts and his sharp eyes blaze up with intensity. The lady is getting on his ungentle veins like injected drugs to get a quick effect of making his loins hot.
            He knew he’s been overtaken and lost the chance to be prepared and get even with her candid affronts. He was just taken off-guard and next time he’ll make sure to get a chance strike deep and hard. Deep and hard. He’s amused at where his thoughts got him to. Deep and hard indeed. We’ll see how she’s gonna take a deep and hard payback.
            Lady windy bag stood outside his car. A mocking smile poised over her thin lips and beautiful brown eyes glowers with malignant sarcasms. This time, Tommy gave his sweetest smile and handed her his car key.
            “You wanna go with me so you drive.” He smiled ever sweetly again and put the key to her palms.
            “Sure.” Was the only reply he heard when he went to settle himself in the passenger’s seat. The engine went up with those smooth slender hands on the wheel ready to fly.
            “Will you fasten your seatbelt please, Agent Cruise?”
            “You’re not gonna smash my car into a wall, right?” He pulled down his sunglasses to make her see his eyes glinting with pride for making her drive.
            “Depends how good your car is. I’d like to keep my passengers safe by reminding them to have proper safety precautions.”
            “Drive on, M’lady.” He totally ignored her concern and throw that last bit of affectionate jeer. He’s gonna start his way of getting sweaty with this lady fox beside him. He started to get amused and he likes the feeling of trying to upset her.
            “As you wish, M’lord.”
            And even that simple name calling brought some thrills into his fluttering guts. He’s beginning to feel sweaty and never had felt such funny thoughts with any girl he dated. That is bad. He’s falling into a deep shit.
            “Whoa! What the heck are you doing?” Tommy slammed hard to the side when the car swerved to the right.
            “Taking a shortcut.”
            “I know. You swerved violently.”
            “I know. That is what seatbelts are for. Sudden swerves or stops.”
            “Do you drive that bad? You could get yourself hurt by being rash.”
            “Apparently, I dinna die. What’s to worry?”
            “Do you have a death wish?”
            “None yet. Have you?”
            “I might have one if you keep on driving badly.”
            “M’Lord asked me to drive. I just complied with his bidding. Is that bad?”
            “But not like that?”
            “Like this?” She swerved again and speed up fast then halt suddenly.
            “Are you mad? You are the lousiest driver I had.”
            “Save your praises, Agent. I’m gonna need those next time.” She got out and headed up the front steps.
            “Where are you going? This is not the crime scene here.” He followed her to the steps and caught her snaking her lovely head around. She’s quite charming and simple yet full of fire deep within.
            It’s the airport. He wonders what the hell they were here for. Feeling greatly ignored like his presence doesn’t exist, he stood close and right there in the direct line of her vision. He covered it all so she can ignore him no more.
            “Well, M’lady? I’d like to drop you a kiss if you tell me why are we here?” He bowed a bit to get close to her face and smiled ever more sweetly with a sure touch of teasing.
            She crossed her arms around her full chest and smiled back. Tilted her head a bit to meet his penetrating gaze and close her eyes.
            “Sure. Let’s see how those would feel like.”
            Sweat suddenly wanted to break out his brows. He felt terrible trying to not punish her when she’s playing like a dumb kitten. He knows he’s acting really stupid and the funny feelings are just becoming more intolerable around this woman. He had the chance to study her face at close range. Thick long lashes and finely chiseled nose. Proportioned cheeks with a light touch of makeup. Luscious lips that may taste like loving lips from a wife.
            Tommy wants to explode from an intense and strange longing he suddenly felt. What a terrible effect this woman had to him. It’s suffocating his wild guts and obviously made his untamed loins ache like a broken heart.
            “Ashti?” came a man’s voice next to him.
            Agent Raznilaj smiled and went to give the man a hug. A lingering hug that hinted of missing each other.
            “Welcome Jiggs. Though it’s improper an event to see you once again but I’m happy to see you back.”
            “Thanks for the trouble, my dear. I sure missed a lot of time and you certainly had become a lovely swan over time.” the man gave an admiring smile and Tommy felt stupid and evidently shown a sour face.
            “Agent Cruise, this is my childhood friend Officer Grazz. Jiggs Grazz.”
            “Is he…?” Grazz gave a questioning look indicating if they are a couple or not.
            “He’s an assignment partner.” She smiled dulcetly back to Grazz and hinted a tease that would open a curious mind reading. “He doesn’t look bad, does he?” she gave Tommy a glance and smile that can melt an already melted butter.
            She’s a devious little cunt. A manipulative woman’s charm is oozing out of her and that looks dangerous enough if it’s tried on him.  He gotta watch his back and be careful to not fall on her webs of cunningness.
            She faced him and smiled sweetly again using her womanly weapons to get around with men. What a cruel way of making women to manipulate men into their own advantage.
            “You don’t like me driving your car, M’lord. I guess you can drive us to the site while I fill my friend with some information we have about his grandmother. Won’t you, M’Lord?” and the killing smile again that left Tommy gasping for some air to refresh his already suffocated lungs.
            He gritted his teeth in response and head back to the car. From now on, he’s gonna make it a habit to thwart anything this woman may throw at him.

1 comment:

kynth said...

i run out of ideas what to write next...