Monday, March 08, 2010

Manila - NOMADS 10

Yo guys! I will display my shots here from the successful Manila 10 Rugby Tournament at NOMADS which was joined by more than 70 teams around the world. And guess what! I always end up as an on-the-spot-photographer because I am carrying an expensive digital camera (not mine.. grrr!) but holding one makes me feel like I am who I wanna be! It was hella fun even though the heat sears a lot on my already tanned skin yet I can’t help but giggled when cheering for my fave rugby team. Truly, experienced can’t be bought by any wealth and in case it could be converted to cash, I might be amassing heaps of riches right now.
This is the SEcomp Red Team vs NOMAD Gears - (This is the only shot where I am in… sucks!) And after another year… things started to fall apart. Out of 10, 9 left. Few are hopeless suckers, others are good, and one is the single person I won’t forget.
That is Tony Nicholson of Kowloon team with my Red team . I wonder why I am not in the pic, probably because… I took this shot… ugh!
Well, LPS, Trevor, Chris, said that NOMADS is the only place where we can see more men than women and never mind the liberated cultures of those foreigners coz they are just born to have great fun. I felt like I am in a foreign trip with those big white guys, sturdy big men that grow muscles in trying to get that “stupid” ball away from anyone while on field and who never missed to munch great sausages, mexican borritos, tacos, quarter-pounder burger, and also never forget to show their best team costumes which of course gathered most attention from the crowd. Again, my task is to become an “official” photographer which I didn’t expect coz I never was one good pro. Well, I have to do it or break their trust and launched myself into a freaky lady photographer for a day (beat that!…ugh!). Geez! why did they always put me in such a situation that’s parallel to what I want to acheive, (I lied, I’m not a gooddamn liar but I am pretty occupied by d previous events that i cannot think good enough excuses…) yet I have lotta fun.
Yo! That is Tony again on his chicken run to the goal… slamming everybody off…!
Well, fellas! What would you feel when cute guys rocks your world by ordering posters of their own matches and speaks Mongolian, Japanese, Arabic, Chinese, never mind English, Dutch, and the worst is… if they don’t speak at all but smile with total charms to melt even your most icy heart and took off your undies without doing anything. Yukk! exaj! Corz na, I haven’t just got over with the event yet..
Whoa! Proud winners after all the hardwork and body injuries and pain…
Now, what does Rugby game have that I couldn’t get my mind away from thinking about it over and over again. It’s like a drug that drives me crazy to get back there and endure the searing heat of the afternoon sun, forget that thirst is nothing than missing a good brawl of the guys in the field, and… and… display of butts that’s a lot common to most western men but send the girls giggling and swooning around while holding themselves back… har! har! har! har!
This is the line up of great men who wants to… “live hard, play rugby, die ugly!”
What is more heroic than dying under heaps of heavy men just to secure that damn famous ball off to the goal and roll on the ground while others pull your shorts and let those real balls say hello to the crowd. What is wackier than punching and stumping and shouting until the ground shook when players tried to outrun each other.
Brace yourself… strong wind may look real when in fact, we were just cooling ourselves on a giant fan. The effect may look the same but reactions are deceiving too.
I burned my already tanned skin, I starved, I thirst, I ached a lot… but I also have fun. But… who else knows d feeling of being left out … yes I do coz originally I took this shot myself and obviously I shouldn’t be here, but hey… I don’t wanna be left out again.

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