Friday, November 11, 2011

When the veil is lifted off

When I opened my computer today, I read something about what's significant in this date numbers that some website had taken time to make some quirky fuss. I rock my mind a bit to think of things that would triflingly associate with what’s in it to delve in. I just can’t think of anything important to say about it and I even wasted my chance to read a good book of James Patterson’s Beach House just to try to write something about what with this date of 11-11-11 can mean. And yeah, I found nothing of importance that happened in my life to mark this date as something.
If there are mythical theories going around about some spooky palindromes, I don’t think I am pretty much influenced by it since I just heard of the term just right now. I like to listen to spooky tales, odd stories, weird happenings and inexplicable events to enhance the knowledge about the unknowns in this world. It’s good to know and understand the mysteries of things than just simply believe hearsays without verifying some truths. I like to learn and analyze things before I would put myself to believe what’s out there.
Last night, I was talking to fellow boarders and we came to talk about some paranormal sightings. With some fad to learn and try to understand some fancy tales of some elemental occurrences, a fellow boarder told me that they sort of seen some green gnomes in the backyard from a house surveillance monitor. Of course I won’t easily believe on the existence of such until I get to see them myself and try to understand why they seem to appear on certain dusk hours. Some adepts would say that the plane of the elemental world became thin when light and dark is closing in and this enabled them to cross the human plane for a fraction of time. Ever the playful mind with some far-fetched ideas, I wonder what will become to the naughty gnomes when they get left behind when the veils of the two realms were lowered after the specific time. Would they last the brightness of the daylight? Will they burn like vampires do? Since timeframes from the elemental world ticks eon slow from human time, what will become of them when they get to return to their world? If some human wanders around the perimeters of the elemental world at dusk hours, they might also get lost and find themselves helplessly trapped in the world so differently than their own. With these ideas, I think I can try to write some kiddie tales to amuse naughty kids at night and of course try to put good values as a way of nurturing young minds into adulthood.
Since writing some stories can such be a tremendous task to start with, so perhaps I’ll try to make some easy plots that can end fast until a child can fall asleep and get to think of Peter Pan and Wendy in the land of Neverland.