Thursday, June 30, 2005

Principles of War

Rationally speaking, the art of war is changing as every generation is evolving into a more technical level. Hi-powered and potent weapons were invented to eliminate enemies in one blow and at the wink of an eye. Destruction is the reward for this highly motivated illusion to achieve power and greater hold on it to continue its aim.

In view of the fact that in every action there is a reaction and that a chain of reactions would result into a more complicated outcome, war is just the product of the whole thing. Literally, leaders of the wars were gaining different techniques, strategies, and advances in technologies, yet, I would rather point out that their standard and principles of war wasn’t changed at all. Even with its breakthroughs and advances in science that give rise on its reputation, still, in my point of view and regardless to the influences and threats they were heaving up, it is on a certain aspect on which the ignition of the war started up. It all rooted in human’s fragile emotions such as greed, hatred, egocentric mechanism, dissatisfaction and superiority. Their motivation to keep going is as intense as the ‘eagle’s claws’ by which in every hold there is certainty and precise movements to achieve their direct advantage. Such actions of course results into a terrifying effect by which human race pays the consequences.

Humankind’s negative emotions causes them to act recklessly and inconsiderate on its state that it would risk to gamble anything at hand. Win or lose, it doesn’t matter because it has been the impulse of everyone to act soon and think later. It is a little bit odd for humans to provide adequate time to ponder things out that were about to be executed unless they would give it a try to whatever decisions they have made up in mind. It is the nature of human beings to complicate things even if there are better alternatives laid down at their feet. It is all a matter of choice and better verdicts to arrive at the best landing that would be favorable to everyone.

The power within the grasp of the leaders of the wars were excruciating because they are too anxious of what to do with it. That brand of power push them to try its potency and of course their own interest as on proving their inner desire in achieving certain goals, goals that were of course for their own enhancements.

On the other hand, defeat is the same as death in a warrior’s tongue but since we are advancing in technologies every split of a second, defeat is now vengeance and abhorrence. With malevolence like this leads them to establish each a full force of cold-blooded monsters who were callous in any sense and they would end up in an echelon of becoming a real frightening elements that could devastate a once tranquil and peaceful world.

The role of humankind in this world is not to kill each other but to preserve the future and not to destroy what holds it. Our very own future is as fragile as a new born baby and if war will torn it apart with the poisonous claws of the leaders of the wars, there’s no doubt our future will not witness the dawning of a better era.